The South stairs that lead to the big slides is closed for additional assessment and repair. All slides are available during Big Surf swims via the North stairwell.
Parent Preschool swims pre-registration is recommended, space limited to 100 visitors.
The facility will be closed on Sunday April 20.
Quick Links
Online registration is recommended unless specified otherwise.
- Lap swim (drop-ins only)
- Dive well (drop-ins only)
- Aquatic exercise classes (drop-ins only)
- Swim lessons (registration required)
- Big Surf! Recreation Swim (online registration recommended)
- Parent Preschool swim (online registration recommended)
- Red Cross Lifeguard Training (registration required)
Advanced online registration is available for Big Surf Recreational Swim, Parent Pre-School Swim, and drop-in visits are also allowed for these programs pending capacity. Advanced online registration is required for swim lessons. Register here.
NCPRD residents will have priority registration one week before the general public and non-residents. If you need assistance with registering for swim lessons, Big Surf recreational swims or Parent Pre-School swims, please call (503) 794-8080.