Capital Repair and Replace Projects
NCPRD enhances and maintains existing recreation amenities while preserving all assets in our system of parks and trails. Projects are prioritized based on the facilities in need of urgent repairs and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) retrofits.
The list below includes capital repair and replace projects identified for the current fiscal year. If you do not see a particular project listed, please contact with questions.
Zero Turn Mower
NCPRD has replaced the existing 72” zero turn mower that had reached the end of its useful life with an all electric battery operated mower. The zero turn mower is used daily throughout the mowing season and is key to work productivity.
Budgeted cost: $24,700
Safety Wood Fiber Replacement
District playgrounds were in need of playground safety engineered wood fiber. The wood fibers are essential to protect users from injury and many areas have fallen below the National Playground Safety Inspection (NPSI) recommended 12” of depth due to deterioration and compaction. Twenty playgrounds in the District received replacement safety fiber.
Budgeted cost: $60,000
Tree Planting and Ice Storm Repairs
Trees managed by NCPRD were drastically impacted by the 2021 Ice Storm Event, and required repair and recovery. In addition to grinding up old stumps and roots from fallen trees, the Natural Areas Team planted 500 trees and shrubs throughout selected parks, inlcuding Harmony Road Neighborhood Park, Wichita Park, Boardman Wetlands Nature Park and Stringfield Park. Replacing dead trees will improve aesthetics, provide shade, and decrease use of water and herbicides.
Budgeted cost: $10,000 (500 trees and shrubs)
Alma Myra Playground Replacement
After conducting a playground safety inspection, it was determined that the wood materials used in the original construction of the playground structure at Alma Myra Park are rotting. Therefore, the small playground structure is beyond its useful life and needs to be replaced.
Location: 7510 SE Thiessen Rd, Clackamas, OR 97267
Budgeted cost: $60,000
Alma Myra Trail Repair & Pollinator Habitat Restoration
The bark chip trail will be replaced with a crushed fines trail, which will create wider accessibility and better delineation between the trail and natural areas. With better delineation, impact to the native plants and pollinator beds will decrease. Interpretive signs will be created and installed to provide education to visitors about the native plants and pollinator plants.
Location: 7510 SE Thiessen Rd, Clackamas, OR 97267
Budgeted Cost: $20,000
Plant Bed Mulch Replacement
Replacing the mulch in plant beds will decrease use of water, improve survival of plants, decrease weed invasion, improve aesthetics, and decrease use of herbicides. Planting beds in 6-8 developed areas of District parks will have mulch replaced.
Budgeted cost: $60,000
Reline and Restripe Recreation Courts
NCPRD will reline and restripe fading lines on NCPRD tennis, basketball and pickle ball courts districtwide.
Budgeted cost: $10,000
Repair and Maintenance to Trolley Trail
General repair and maintenance to the Trolley Trail is needed to improve safety. Thermoplastic areas, crossing chevrons and stop bars will be updated. Safety fog line stripes have been added to the shoulders of the trail.
Budgeted cost: $40,000
Aquatic Park Filter Sand Replacement
The pools at the North Clackamas Aquatic Park are filtered by continually filtering pool water through sand filters. Over time, the course sand wears down and needs replacing. The sand for filters at the lap, wave and spa pool will be replaced.
Budgeted cost: $15,000
Restore and Repair Pollinator Beds
Pollinator plots play a role in the health of the environment, providing habitat, natural resources, and tourism activities. Pollinator beds at several areas within the District will restored/repaired and continually monitored for long-term resilience. An interpretive sign will be added to engage our park visitors about the importance of pollinator beds.
Budgeted cost: $15,000
Seal Coating at North Clackamas Park
The asphalt around the North Clackamas Park Maintenance Shop is deteriorating. Seal coating the asphalt driveway and wash down areas will extend the life of the existing asphalt.
Budgeted cost: $8,000
Boardman Nature Park Interpretive Signs
Educational interpretive signs for Boardman Nature Park will be created and installed around the park for visitors to enjoy.
Budgeted Cost: $30,000
Update Signage at all District Parks
Due to new legislation from House Bill (HB) 3115, NCPRD will no longer enforce our park rule prohibiting overnight camping. An update to signage at all District parks is required.
Budgeted cost: $15,000