District Advisory Committee

The District Advisory Committee (DAC) makes recommendations to the District’s governing board, the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners, on the design, planning and development of parks and the provision of recreational programs in the district. Committee members are important in representing residents’ voices in NCPRD decisions and policies.


Download a PDF of the map 

Current DAC Members

The DAC is made up of 11 members:

  • 2 each from four sub-areas in unincorporated NCPRD, recommended by residents
  • 2 from the one sub-area in the City of Milwaukie portion of NCPRD, appointed by the city
  • 1 representing NCPRD community centers


Sub-area 1 Representatives: Vacant Term Ends: 6/30/2026
Grover Bornefeld Term Ends: 6/30/2028
Sub-area 2 Representatives: Mark Elliott (Vice-Chair) Term Ends: 6/30/2027
Anatta Blackmarr Term Ends: 6/30/2025
Sub-area 3 Representatives: Sheila Shaw Term Ends: 6/30/2025
Jeanette DeCastro (Chair) Term Ends: 6/30/2027
Sub-area 4 Representatives: Joshua Fisher Term Ends: 6/30/2026
Daniel Diehl Term Ends: 6/30/2028
Sub-area 5 Representatives: Lisa Batey Term Ends: 6/30/2027
Ali Feuerstein Term Ends: 6/30/2027
CCAB Appointee: Joel Bergman Term Ends: 10/31/2025
BCC Liaison: Commissioner Savas Term Ends: N/A

How to Contact the District Advisory Committee 

If you would like to submit a question or comment to the DAC, please email the committee at dac@ncprd.com

Please note that any comments submitted to the District Advisory Committee become a public record of the District.

Interested in attending DAC meetings?

District Advisory Committee meetings are open to the public. Visit our Meetings & Minutes page to see when our next meeting will be held, and for past meeting minutes. Meeting agendas are posted 5-7 days in advance of the meeting.

If you’d like direct notification of these meetings via email, you can ask to be added to our Public Meetings Distribution List by emailing info@ncprd.com.