Family Cornhole League

Our six-week Family Cornhole League runs from Sunday, Sept. 22  to Sunday, Nov. 3 at the Concord Property in the gymnasium. Two league play times are available to choose from (1 – 2 PM or 2:15 – 3:15 PM). There is a max of six family members per roster.

Games are the best three out of five and scores are recorded for all matches and used to determine standings for playoff night. Each game is to 21 with a max time limit of 10 minutes.

League playoffs are Sunday, Nov. 3. Learn more and register today!

Registration Dates:

Early Registration: Monday, July 15 – Sunday, Aug. 25.

Regular Registration: Monday, Aug. 26 – Sunday, Sept. 8

Registration Fee:

Early Registration Fee: $100 per team (NCPRD Rate)/$125 (Non-Resident)

Regular Registration Fee: $110 per team (NCPRD Rate)/$135 (Non-Resident)