System Development Charges

System Development Charges

Parks System Development Charges (SDCs) are one-time fees charged to new development or significant redevelopment to help pay a portion of the increased cost to meet parks and recreation needs created by such growth.  These fees are charged at the time of development of both residential and commercial properties within the agency’s boundary.  SDC fees are based on the specific impact a development inside NCPRD boundaries is expected to have on the District’s population and employment.

Since these fees are assessed to help the parks and recreation system grow in relation to new development, public agencies may only expend these funds on capital improvements to the parks system.  In other words, SDCs collected may only be spent on new development and cannot be used to maintain existing assets or operations.

SDC Zone Map

Current SDC Rates

Current SDC rates are set by NCPRD Ordinance 11-2017.  The full SDC Methodology Report originates from the 2007 Ordinance 09-2007.


*Zone 1 contains the City of Milwaukie. Although SDCs are collected within the city, they are assessed by the city and then transferred to NCPRD. Therefore any questions relating to collection of  SDCs in the city should be directed to city staff (City of Milwaukie’s current fee schedule).  Any questions relating to the rate or how the rate is determined may be sent to NCPRD’s Planning Team at


**Number of employees is calculated based on SDC Table 5.4, provided below.

For example, the parks and recreation SDC for a 40,000-square-foot office building for services such as finance, insurance and real estate would be calculated as follows:

1. 40,000 (sq. ft. building size) ÷ 370 (sq. ft. per employee) = 108 employees

2. 108 employees x $60 (PSDC rate) = $6,480


Table 5.4
Square Feet Per Employee

(recommended guidelines from Metro Employment Density Study)
Standard Industry Classification (SIC)* Sq. ft. per employee
1-19 Ag., Fish & Forest Services; Construction; Mining 590
20 Food & Kindred Products 630
22, 23 Textile & Apparel 930
24 Lumber & Wood 640
25, 32, 39 Furniture; Clay, Stone, & Glass; Misc. 760
26 Paper and Allied 1,600
27 Printing, Publishing & Allied 450
28-31 Chemicals, Petroleum, Rubber, Leather 720
33, 34 Primary & Fabricated Metals 420
35 Machinery Equipment 300
36, 38 Electrical Machinery, Equipment 400
37 Transportation Equipment 700
40-42, 44, 45, 47 Transportation and Warehousing 3,290
49 Communications and Public Utilities 460
50, 51 Wholesale Trade 1,390
52-59 Retail Trade 470
60-68 Finance, Insurance & Real Estate 370
70-79 Non-Health Services 770
80 Health Services 350
81-89 Educational, Social, Membership Services 740
90-99 Government 530

* Source: U.S. Department of Commerce Standard Industrial Classification Manual